Sufi Poems : A Mediaeval Anthology (Islamic Texts Society Books) артикул 7808d.
Sufi Poems : A Mediaeval Anthology (Islamic Texts Society Books) артикул 7808d.

Book Description While a great deal of attention has been paid to the Persian Sufi poetry of Rumi and Hafiz, this text focuses on the less celebrated Arabic Sufi poetry Poems from the great Arabic Sufi masters Rabiah al-Adawiyyah, Hallaj, Ghazali, Ibn Arabi, and Ibn al-Farid are all featured with their English translation and original Arabic on ожьен facing pages Preceding each poet's section is an introduction that places them in the context of Arabic Sufi poetry and provides a new perspective on an often overlooked poetic tradition.  Как пользоваться2005 г 116 стр ISBN 1903682177.